
Basic Map - One marker

This is a basic Leaflet map implementation with a custom marker. Everything is for you and this map can be created by calling a simple function.

createBasicMap(id, lat, long, markerImage);

Styled Map - One marker

An example of the styled Leaflet map with a custom marker. You can easily replace the look by changin to another theme from Leaflet Providers.

createSimpleMap(id, lat, long, markerImage);

Styled Map - Multiple markers with infobox, images and structured content from JSON

More complex implementation: data are loaded from a JSON file and custom infobox with an image is used in this example. Again, everything's prepared for you.

var options = {
    jsonFile: 'data/restaurants-geojson.json',
    markerPath: 'img/map-marker-default.png',
    mapId: 'map-2'


Select theme colour

Stylesheet switching is done via JavaScript and can cause a blink while page loads. This will not happen in your production code.